The 29th Lancaster Hall Hotel Skat Tournament

On Sunday November 19th, organiser John McLeod welcomed seven other players, who played four sessions each of 20 boards.

    Round 120 boards   Round 220 boards   Round 320 boards   Round 420 boards   Total
Name table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      table seatscoreMPdiff      MPdiff
Patrick Phair 245732122 122580-5 147592114½ 11470261½ 6293
John McLeod 113262 146410-42½ 21527294½ 136212187½ 6243
Torsten Sauer 232640-71½ 2226825 22142240½ 14317245½ 619½
Alban Forster 125352358½ 11-740-157 12610-40½ 226402188 4349
Martin Dachsel 13407271½ 132722128½ 113380-94½ 122640-188 4-82½
Mike Tobias 22-1820-358½ 24726242½ 23397234 213470-61½ 4-343½
Beate Schmolinski 213190-3½ 212402157 133290-34 232460-187½ 2-68
Chris Beesley 143290-122 23150-128½ 245300-114½ 242260-45½ -410½


There were prizes of Cognac and red wine for the two highest placed players, and of chocolates for player with the best session diff who had not already won a prize.

Hand records

Other results.
Main page of the British Skat Association.