Nauru graph

Other names:    F024A       torus-h-0-4   

Nauru graph diagram, © Wikipedia
Nauru graph diagram, © N.S.Wedd
Nauru graph diagram, © N.S.Wedd


It has degree 3, with 24 vertices and 36 edges.
It has girth 6, diameter 4 and radius 4.
Its symmetry group is S4 × S3, with 144 elements.
It is bipartite.
It is Hamiltonian.
It is symmetric.
It is 2-arc-transitive.
Its distance-list is 1,3,6,9,5.


Regular maps

Nauru graph is the skeleton of {6,3}(0,4)
Nauru graph is the skeleton of S4:{12,3}
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R19.20′ with muliplicity 2
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R22.11′ with muliplicity 2
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R13.9 with muliplicity 2
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R19.18′ with muliplicity 2
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R40.11′ with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C25.2 with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R25.20 with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R37.37′ with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C34.2′ with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R34.12′ with muliplicity 3
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R55.35′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R49.68′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R37.28 with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R49.69′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R37.29 with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R49.66′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R55.34′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R49.67′ with muliplicity 4
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R49.51 with muliplicity 5
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R76.27′ with muliplicity 5
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R64.27 with muliplicity 5
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R73.106′ with muliplicity 5
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R79.12 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C61.8 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R88.14′ with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R94.15′ with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R61.17 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C79.11 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R91.48′ with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C79.12 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R91.49′ with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R79.11 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R85.55 with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C88.4′ with muliplicity 6
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R73.59 with muliplicity 7
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R94.10 with muliplicity 7
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R85.32 with muliplicity 8
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R85.33 with muliplicity 8
Nauru graph is the skeleton of C97.15 with muliplicity 9
Nauru graph is the skeleton of R97.86 with muliplicity 9

For copyright details of Wikipedia image see   Nauru_graph.svg.

Lists of Graphs
Index to Regular Maps